Second Floor - Office No 201 at Bank Building - Algeria Street, near Etihad Mall and Uptown Mirdif, Mirdif - Dubai - United Arab Dubai
Hot stone Massage Service in Mirdif

Hot stone Massage Service in Golden Sand Spa Center

If you are looking for a unique spa experience that can help you relax and rejuvenate, consider hot stones massage at Golden Sand Spa in Mirdif - Dubai. We offer hot stone massage services that can help you relax and rejuvenate. Our skilled therapists will use their knowledge of anatomy and physiology to target specific areas of your body with stones. This will help to relieve muscle tension and pain, improve circulation and promote relaxation .

Golden Sand Spa in Mirdif - Dubai near Uptown Mirdif offers relaxation by put smooth, flat, heated Black stones on the body. This type of massage is beneficial for both the mind and body. The heat from the stones is said to help relax muscles, which can lead to a decrease in pain and tension. The heat is also thought to improve circulation and increase blood flow to the affected area..

A hot stone massage typically lasts for 60 minutes. During this time, the therapist will use both hands to massage the person's back, neck, and head. They may also place the stones on other areas of the body, such as the stomach or legs.

The environment of the spa adds a luxurious touch to the relaxing atmosphere and will make it easier for you to drift off into deep relaxation. If you're looking for some much-needed rest and relaxation, then look no further than a hot stone massage at Golden Sand Spa!